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《의금상경 衣錦尙絅》
2023. 01. 18(수) ~ 02. 25(토) | 학고재전관
Eui-geum-sang-gyeong: Over her embroidered robe
she puts on a plain garment,
Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea
최명영 개인전 < Works on Paper 1976-2022>
2023. 04 28(금) –06. 02(금) |아트조선스페이스
Solo Exhibition | ACS Art Chosun Space, Seoul, Korea
《비평가 이일과 1970년대 AG그룹》
2023. 05 10(수) ~ 06. 24(토)
Critic Lee Il and the AG Group in the 1970s, Space 21, Seoul, Korea
《한국 실험미술 1960-70년대》
2023.05.26~2023.07.16 MMCA Seoul, Korea
2023.09.01~2024.01.07 Guggenheim Museum, New York
2024.02~11.2024.05.12 Hammer Museum, LA
한국현대미술가30<Art Pick 30>
2023. 07. 12~08. 09 |예술의 전당
Art Pick 30 , Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
White & Black Plane
2023.9.3 ~ 10.13 | 갤러리 비선재
White & Black Plane, Gallery Bisunjae, Seoul, Korea
최명영 개인전
2023. 09. 07~10. 07 | 알민레쉬
Solo Exhibition | Almine Rech, Paris, France
한국의 기하학적 추상미술
2023. 11. 16. 2024. 5. 19 | 국립현대미술관 Geometric Abstraction in Korean Art, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
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